No access possible to caldav

I’m running owncloud, calendar 1.6.1
I already share my agendas with 2 thunderbird and 1 android phone with davdroid that I bought.
Now I get the message "no access possible to Caldav or Carddav on Davx5 installed for free from f-droid on a 2d phone
I customized connexion with “URL and user name”. Url is “https://www…/remote.php/dav/userid” where userid is my id
I filled Userid field with “userid” and password with my password connexion to owncloud.
I read a comment on play store saying that davx5/davdroid is not working with owncloud. Any idea ?

Please provide the logs from davx5 to see whats going on. Tutorials to get the logs should be online somewhere :wink:

Everything is working perfectly now. The address you get to give DAVX is this : “https://www/folder whereowncloud is located/remote.php/dav/calendars/userid/calendar name/”
Now, you get to synchronize the name of the account in order to make the related calendar app display the calendar.