Non-synchronized users

In the administration console I see users with old dates of last access, but when reviewing the client in the team is working well and in others in the same situation No.

My question is how to detect which users are not really syncronizing.

You can see in the last login from the users,

or you can see in the access log when was the last time a user logged in.

I can see in the last login from the users,

What I would like to know is which ones are not synchronizing

Since it may not have started in several days but be synchronizing well. And I want to differentiate those that really have synchronization problems

In this case, the owncloud.log file will show you which users have a synchronization problem.

Now I know, there is an occ command since oC10.0.3 (I think) that can help you:

occ user:inactive

Probably that could help you.