Not allowed to remove, restoring

Is anyone else getting an issue whereby you delete a file/folder on a Desktop Sync App, the file/folder reappears at the next sync?

In the OC client Activity it says 'Not allowed to remove, restoring' so looks like it's a permission issue? I've had this a couple of times now but haven't figured out a pattern yet (who created folder vs who is deleting, etc).

Our set up is an external volume with various folders that we have set up as share points. Each share point is shared in OC admin via the External Storage option, using:

This is not limited to the Desktop Client. In the Browser UI the same file/folders don't have a Delete option available. It must be a permission issue, but why? Still searching for a pattern...

External Storage Type: 'Local'
Authentication: 'None' (there is no other option)
Available For: (various groups and users depending on access)
Enable Access: ON for each sharepoint
Check for changes: 'once every direct access'
Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding: OFF
Allow users to mount external storage: OFF

Steps to reproduce
I haven't worked out how to reproduce this yet, when I do I'll post an update.

Expected behaviour
Delete a File/Folder on Desktop client

Actual behaviour
The user deletes the File/Folder in question but on next sync, it reappears. In the OC client Activity it says 'Not allowed to remove, restoring'

Client configuration
Client version: Version 2.3.1 (build 4139)
Client operating system: Mac OS 10.12.4

Server configuration
Operating system: Ubuntu
Web server: Apache2
Database: MySQL
PHP version: 7
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): 9.1.4
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh install
Special configurations (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption):
external storage

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)


This error is directly related to the error message you reported here:

Let's close this and keep the discussion in the other topic.