Actual behaviour
Manual uploading multiple files does nothing, even after 48h
Expected behaviour
The folder should populate with photos
Steps to reproduce
- Open app and login ofc
- Select and enter in the folder to upload to
- Select “+” sign, then the “arrow up” sign
- Select “Files”
- Go to Camera" folder where the phone stores all my pothos
- Select the tree dots up right
- “Select all” then Select". (aprox 7000 photos)
- Nothing happens
Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server?
(url:, user: test, password: test)
If i try with crome, it crashes.
Environment data
Android version:
Device model: Samsung S10+
Stock or customized system: stock
ownCloud app version: lastest 2.20
ownCloud server version: lastest
Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server?
(url:, user: test, password: test)
Web server error log
New users cant upload
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)
Smart. New users cant upload.