Not uploading manual "select all" files

Actual behaviour

Manual uploading multiple files does nothing, even after 48h

Expected behaviour

The folder should populate with photos

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open app and login ofc
  2. Select and enter in the folder to upload to
  3. Select “+” sign, then the “arrow up” sign
  4. Select “Files”
  5. Go to Camera" folder where the phone stores all my pothos
  6. Select the tree dots up right
  7. “Select all” then Select". (aprox 7000 photos)
  8. Nothing happens

Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server?
(url:, user: test, password: test)
If i try with crome, it crashes.

Environment data

Android version:

Device model: Samsung S10+

Stock or customized system: stock

ownCloud app version: lastest 2.20

ownCloud server version: lastest

Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server?
(url:, user: test, password: test)


Web server error log

New users cant upload

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

Smart. New users cant upload.

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