Notification by email

Everything is already configured and it works. But activity editing, changing and creating files and folders does not work the mail notifications.

This specific activity notifications mails don’t work.

I’m using version and I do not see the same information.

In the section App you have de option to install apps. For this type of notifications have the app Activity.

The ownCloud Activity application enables users to not only get a summarized overview of all file and folder events in their ownCloud, but also to receive notifications for such via email. The user can configure their individual Activity preferences in their personal settings and can decide in detail which file or folder actions should be listed in the Activity stream (accessible via the app launcher) and also for which file or folder actions the users wants to receive email notifications. The bulk email notifications can either be sent out hourly, daily or weekly to fit the specific needs of the individual user.

From creation of new files or folders, to file or folder changes, updates, restores from trash bin, sharing activities, comments, tags and downloads from public share links - the ownCloud Activity app gathers all file or folder related actions in one place for the user to review. For users with lots of activity it is possible to limit the Activity stream to ‘Favorites’ in order to avoid noise. Furthermore the application provides filters to give users the means to maintain overview by reducing entries to relevant information.

And there you have it - a complete overview of all file and folder activities in your ownCloud with the additional ability to receive activity notifications via email in a time interval of your choice. Never again miss an important event related to content in ownCloud and always be up-to-date on all activities of your files and folders.

Email notifications are not sent immediately. There are 3 option: hourly, daily or weekly.
I can see you have hourly, did you wait for an hour?

my option is 1 hour. And don’t work.

Depending on how you test you maybe need to enable the “Notify about your own actions via email” checkbox to get email notifications?

Additionally i have noticed a few things:

  • You haven’t stated which ownCloud version you are running exactly (there was 10.1.0 and 10.1.1)
  • My Activity app version is 2.5.0 where you are using 2.4.2
  • There is a yellow banner on one of your posted screenshots, maybe you need to do some fixes mentioned there first?
  • Maybe upgrading to 10.2.0 could make sense?
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I have installed Activity app shared a directory with an user and the user uploaded a file. After an hour email came with notification.

Hello user1,

You are receiving this email because the following things happened at ownCloud

You created Class.txt - Today at 4:31:34 PM
You shared Documents with user2 - Today at 4:34:56 PM
protektwar created Documents/Class.txt - Today at 4:35:33 PM
ownCloud - A safe home for all your data
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Don’t notify any actions via email from the app activity. I test every action posibly. Is enable all checkbox to get a mail for all activity, include my activity.

The yellow banner is because i change one pictura and don’t pass the integrity check, not match the hash pictura file

This type of mails activiy i need and dont work.

the last version version that appears to me is activity 2.4.2
i have the owncloud version 10.1.0


maybe you can review the remaining items in the previous comment:

I have also tested this on my own ownCloud 10.2.0 installation and everything works as expected for me.

in my previous answers I answered the questions. But I’m going to answer them again.

My owncloud work perfect. Only the activity app dont work

Don’t notify any actions via email from the app activity. I test every action posibly. Is enable all checkbox to get a mail for all activity, include my activity.
owncloud 10.1.0
The yellow banner is because i change one pictura and don’t pass the integrity check, not match the hash picture file
i install the owncloud with apt-get 7 days ago, and is the last version. How to updgrade this?
i install the activity 2.4.2 on market. how upgrade this?


unfortunately i can’t help any further as my own ownCloud activities are working for me as expected without any modifications required.

Maybe you could setup a fresh 10.2.0 installation from and do only minor modifications like the e-mail setup?

I just have to install it as the image shows. And the only modification is the setup of the mail in the administrator or in all the users?

Setup the email server in the admin_user/Settings under Admin/General
Then if you go admin_user/Users each user should have an email address.


Hi, in this step whats data you use? in

Setting the Ownership for Upgrading

To finalize the preparation of the upgrade, you need to set the correct ownership of the new ownCloud files and folders. Here is a neat little bash-script to do this on the fly. You will need to change the paths and webserver users according to your installation and/or Linux Distribution.

Take your favourite editor and create the and copy the contents from beneath.


set -o pipefail
set -o errtrace
set -o nounset

# Please update the paths in the variables below to suit your installation.

or use this step?

Setting the Ownership for Upgrading

To finalize the preparation of the upgrade, you need to set the correct ownership of the new ownCloud files and folders.

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/owncloud

I would argue that if you can’t answer these questions yourself you shouldn’t run the script, because you won’t be able to figure out if this script even applies to your type of installation. These are basic Linux administration tasks, we can’t teach you here how to run a Linux server.

But because this is part of the docs, I’ll go into a little bit more detail to explain how to figure this out.

Let’s go through it variable by variable, I’ll tell you what the value would be for a Ubuntu installation created with this guide and how you would be able to figure it yourself.


In Ubuntu systems you can have a look in the file /etc/apache2/envvars, there you’ll find the variables APACHE_RUN_USER and APACHE_RUN_GROUP. On CentOS you’ll find the User and Group directives in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Another option is to use ss to find the name of the process on the http/s ports and then look up the username using the ps command like so:

root@ubuntu1804:~# ss -pa '( sport = https or sport = http )'
Netid               State                 Recv-Q                Send-Q                                  Local Address:Port                                  Peer Address:Port                                                                                                                                                                                                             
tcp                 LISTEN                0                     128                                                 *:http                                             *:*                    # added line break for readability
tcp                 LISTEN                0                     128                                                 *:https                                            *:*                    # added line break for readability
# if you don't get any output here, then it could be that your installation is running on a different port
root@ubuntu1804:~# ps u $(pgrep apache2)
root       629  0.0  6.0 811764 29900 ?        Ss   Jul01   0:05 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  3297  0.0  8.7 823872 43184 ?        S    06:25   0:01 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start

Let’s have a look at the other two variables, as the logfile will just be generated in your current working directory there isn’t anything else to say about it.


To figure out where your owncloud installation is, have a look in the apache configuration directory (Ubuntu: /etc/apache2, CentOS: /etc/httpd) and find the virtual host configuration for your owncloud installation. If you followed the guide mentioned earlier this is in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/owncloud.conf.

In there find the Directory configuration directive and it will show the path to the ownCloud folder /var/www/owncloud/. Then have a look at /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php where you’ll find the following configuration directives:

'datadirectory' => '/var/www/owncloud/data',

Finally regarding rootuser='root', I don’t think I have ever seen a setup where the root user wasn’t called root, so if you need to adjust this variable you will probably know.

Side note

I’ve tried to use commands that should work on as many Linux distributions out of the box as possible, if a command doesn’t work, try to find another way => the internet search engine of your choice is your friend

Thank you very much for the very explanatory answer!
my only doubt was these parameters, specifically the second:

sorry if I was not very specific in my question and create confusion.

Hi, i upgrade all owncloud, now have:
ownCloud 10.2.0 (stable)
Activity 2.5.0

and continues without notifying the activities.