Oc.data Error Mounting Windows shared folder with fstab

Im getting this error when i changed the data directory at config.php with univention.

I mounted a Windows shared folder in /etc/fstab using this lane:
//ip-windowspc/testfolder /mnt/owncloud_data cifs username=administrator,password=xxxxx,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0640,dir_mode=0750,uid=33,gid=33 0 0

And works fine, i can read and write on this location.

But i change the line ‘datadirectory’ on config.php

From /var/lib/univention-appcenter/apps/owncloud/data/files

to /mnt/owncloud_data/data/files

And now, i cant load the page because i get this error.

Your Data directory is invalid
Please check that the data directory contains a file “.ocdata” in its root.

Hi, changing the data directory on a local ownCloud installation should go fine with the steps you made.

But with univention I think you are talking about the Appliance or the UCS with ownCloud. There, things are more complicated, you can't just change configurations like that.

I would advice you to check out their forum on how to integrate a share in a app running on UCS.