OC10.0.4.4 (QNAP),ZIP download, Android:ok, Windows:ok, ios/OSX: blank screen

Hi all.
I am currently running. OC10.0.4.4 via QNAP’s web server.

I am having this weird issue. all android apps and browser , windows browser(s) are downloading server zip’ed files fine…

but when it comes to ios safari/chrome, osx safari, when the user clicks on dowload, it just goes blank screen.

I have tried installing a VM OC10.0.10. it didnt exhibit this problem. what’s wrong?


maybe the heavily outdated version 10.0.4 on the QNAP device has a bug which got fixed in version 10.0.10 or between?

I would love to upgrade further but due to QNAP’s current restrictions, I can only run OC natively, else otherwise VM.
from what I am seeing from this error, the ios downloads TAR file. so the ZIP file doesnt have any problems but the TAR encoder is seeing this problem?