OCC Command Line Issue

I am trying to add a symlink in my data directory that points to my external storage device and rescan my data directory using OCC so it is displayed in the WebUI. I know that OSX isn't officially supported by Owncloud but I have had this working before in a very similar setup.

Steps to reproduce
1. run 'sudo -u MacMini php occ files:scan --all'

Expected behaviour
It should rescan my Data directory and update the WebUI

Actual Result
http://paste bin.com/EMNnQt5x (had to break it up because of being a new user)
Server configuration
Operating system: Mac OSX 10.10
Web server: MAMP Pro (Apache)
Database: MAMP Pro (MySQL)
PHP version: MAMP Pro (5.6.10)
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): 9.1.0 (Stable)
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: Fresh Install

Integrity status for oC9+

'No errors have been found.'


you can't use symlinks:

Symlinks pointing outside of the datadir are disallowed. Please use the Configuring External Storage (GUI) with the Local storage backend instead.



That didn't fix my issue with OCC but that does complete the task that I wanted it to of being able to access my drive. Thank you!

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