Owncloud 10.0.0

this is stupid question, but I changed this file:


for my owncloud (my logo and my text in home page)

- core
- lib/private/legacy/defaults.php
- core/img/logo-icon.svg

How do I remove this notice?

hi @oscaroxy please view https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.0/developer_manual/core/theming.html

and https://doc.owncloud.org/server/10.0/admin_manual/issues/code_signing.html

you will have to replace the defaults.php with the original from the tarball
and rerun occ integrity:check-core

thanks, I followed the steps:

create apps/appinfo/info.xml
create apps/theme-example

put into theme-example:

defaults.php (with my own text)
core/img/logo-icon.svg (with my own logo)

but nothig... I don't see nothing of mine, only default owncloud. The only thing that I don't find is "Enable the theme in the ownCloud Admin dashboard." where is that?
I see General, Storage, Encryption, ecc...

do nobody reply me?

This should should show up in your admin backend as an own app where you can / should be able to enable it.

No, I don't see any app with name "theme-example"... where have I mistake?

I found example-themes folder into owncloud/apps, I clone this folder and I changed icon and text into default.
I always see the "Integrity check", how do I resolve this?

    - appinfo/info.xml
    - core/css/styles.css
    - core/img/favicon-touch.png
    - core/img/favicon-touch.svg
    - core/img/favicon.ico
    - core/img/favicon.png
    - core/img/favicon.svg
    - core/img/logo-icon.png
    - core/img/logo-icon.svg
    - core/img/logo-mail.gif
    - defaults.php

they are the files that I changed...

Simply I removed the file signature.json into folder appinfo into theme, after I rescan list file and voilĂ , all is ok.

I had to do more than just removing signature.json files,
I applied this generic solution:
