ownCloud 10.3.1 announcement?


it seems ownCloud 10.3.1 was released one week ago as seen on https://owncloud.org/download/#owncloud-server and https://owncloud.org/changelog/ but no public announcement on https://owncloud.org or at https://central.owncloud.org/c/news was done. Are there any plans on doing such an announcement?

In addition i’m wondering about the single changelog entry for 10.3.1:

Use userFolder instead of rootFolder - #36368

As a non tech-savvy person it is quite unclear what this change is doing, the issue at github doesn’t provide any additional background info either. :confused:



I thought the same, I was surprised to see the 10.3.1 in Maintenance and Release Schedule without some announcement on the forum.

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it seems the same happened for the 10.3.2 release as well with some additional confusion: :frowning_face:

https://owncloud.org/changelog/server/ is mention 04.12.2019 as the release date for 10.3.2

https://owncloud.org/download/#owncloud-server-tar-ball is referring to 10.3.2 but mentions 12.11.2019 as the release date for 10.3.2

https://github.com/owncloud/core/wiki/Maintenance-and-Release-Schedule doesn’t mention 10.3.2 at all but lists 10.3.1 as the current release and 10.4.0 as the next release in December 2019.



you’re right, it’s very confusing :confused:
What’s the release process ? How could it be improved ?
For example, I subscribed to the RSS but I didn’t get any notification for the release of 10.3.1 nor 10.3.2, I think it could be good for the project to broadcast more. It’s because I follow the forum or the github that I’m aware of some updates.

EDIT: btw this page doesn’t list the 10.3.2 either.