ownCloud 2.9.2 for Android with more fixes

Hello everyone, a couple of weeks ago we released a new version of the ownCloud app for Android - https://central.owncloud.org/t/owncloud-2-9-for-android-released - and a few days later, a hotfix to solve some issues with LDAP was also released - https://central.owncloud.org/t/owncloud-2-9-1-for-android-with-ldap-hot-fix/ -.

Today we have a new version to fix a couple of problems reported by users using spaces within usernames.

Therefore, if any of you have noticed in 2.9 or 2.9.1 versions any strange behaviour when using spaces in usernames, please download 2.9.2 and try it out, everything should work as before.


How can I download the new ownCloud Android app?

2.9.2 is already available on Google Play Store, so download and enjoy it!


How can I send my feedback to ownCloud developers?

If you detect something weird, please get in touch with us via any of these channels:

– Open a new issue on Github (preferred): https://github.com/owncloud/android/issues/

– Open a new topic on central: https://central.owncloud.org/

– Write to apps@owncloud.com


@davigonz would be nice to post a link to changelog. Seems the play store page doesn’t show any, not sure if it’s because I am in the beta prog