ownCloud 4.2.0 for Android

Hello everyone, we have the pleasure to introduce you to the new 4.2.0 version of the ownCloud Android app.
Let me show you the improvements that we added in this version, which we list below:


The 4.2.0 version of the app will be the last one that supports Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23). Since 4.3.0, the minimum Android version will be Android 7.0 Nougat (API 24).

Links to open the app from outside

The main news of this release is the introduction of deep links. Deep links consist of links found on a website or other external applications which are able to open the app and do something within. In our case, now it’s possible to discover and preview a file or navigate to a folder, as long as you have permission to access it. From now on, it will be super easy to access files in the app from external links!

IMPORTANT: we have some known restrictions for this version regarding external links, which are:

  • Links won’t work over shared items
  • Links won’t work if device is offline

Manage password policy in live mode

Password policy for public links is handled in live mode with new items in the dialog to add more security. This enhancement has been developed only for Infinite Scale accounts.

“Apply to all” when many name conflicts arise

A new checkbox has been added to the conflicts dialog to be able to solve all the conflicts found in folders or files at once, just like in the web version. Very useful for users who handle a large number of files in conflict!

“Share to” in Infinite Scale accounts allows uploads to any space

Step by step, we are introducing new improvements related to spaces to adapt them to other existing features of the app. With this improvement, shared files from other apps can be uploaded to any space and not only the Personal one in Infinite Scale accounts.

Auto upload in Infinite Scale accounts allows uploads to any space

In the same line as the previous improvement. Now it will be possible to do auto uploads to all the spaces that the user has, and it will not be only restricted to Personal space.

Auto refresh when a file is uploaded

The file list will be now refreshed automatically when an upload whose destination folder is the one we are in is completed successfully. Also, to avoid lag and unnecessary network calls, we set a limit of uploads (200 by default, but brandable) to which auto-refreshes will be triggered. From that number on, a floating button will appear to indicate that new content is available and if it is clicked, a new refresh will be triggered. This is a new intuitive way to know when you have new files available in the feed after uploading them.

Download log files

A new icon to download a log file to the Downloads folder of the device has been added to the log list view. When the log is downloaded, it is possible to navigate directly to the Downloads folder of the device. This new feature will only be available for Android10+ devices. For previous versions, the icon will not be displayed.

:rocket: Contributions from our community:

And now we are going to highlight the great work of our community :hugs:, which continues being active and encouraged to make contributions in ownCloud :100:. Special thanks to @parneet-guraya and @hannesa2 for this magnificent work.

Migration to Media3 from Exoplayer

@parneet-guraya contributed to the migration of the Exoplayer library to Media3. Now, Media3 is the new home for Exoplayer, which has become part of this library.
Media3 is a powerful media playback library introduced by Google as part of AndroidX. It provides an easy-to-use API that simplifies the implementation of media playback in Android applications.

Prevent two media playing at the same time

Again @parneet-guraya has contributed with this improvement. Now, the user experience when managing media is better. With this new contribution a media file being previewed will pause if another media from another app starts playing.

Merge network library as module

To finish with the contributions, @hannesa2 has done a great job merging the android-library separate project as a new module in our architecture. Apart from our module structure being cleaner with this change, it also improves the team’s efficiency by not having to deal with the library repo.

Anything else to test?

Yes, we have included some more fixes and features. Read the whole Changelog here.

How can I enable logs in the ownCloud Android app?

Before starting trying to break the app, it’s very important and useful for us, the developers, to have a record of what’s happening in case the app misbehaves. Due to this, enabling logs and sending them to us is the best way of help improving the app and offering the best user experience.

Enabling logs

By default, logging is disabled. To activate them, you have to go to Settings > Logging > Enable logging. Since the moment they are on, logs will keep track of every event occurring in the app. These DON’T include user’s sensitive information, so they can be used safely.

Watching and sharing log files

Once logging is enabled and some actions have been performed within the app, log files will be created. To see them, you have to go to Settings > Logging > Log files. There, you can easily share them tapping on the share icon. Send them to us at android-app@owncloud.com!

How can I send my feedback to ownCloud developers?

If you find a bug or want to make any suggestions, please participate in one of these channels:

– Open a new issue on Github: https://github.com/owncloud/android/issues

– Open a new topic on central: https://central.owncloud.org

– Write to android-app@owncloud.com

Your feedback would be highly appreciated!

Enjoy the new 4.2.0 version :beers:


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