Owncloud 504 timeout when accessing through domain

Steps to reproduce

  1. fresh install of owncloud docker compose stack
  2. existing install of nginx proxy manager
  3. existing domain via dynDNS script on cloudflare
  4. ???

Expected behaviour

Owncloud should be accessible via domain, localhost and internal network IP

Actual behaviour

Owncloud is accessible via localhost/internal network IP but not via domain.
Via Domain Owncloud infinitely loads until nginx raises a 504 timeout.

Server configuration

Operating system:
Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS hosting docker Ubuntu 22.04.6
Web server:
PHP version:
redis version:
ownCloud version: (see ownCloud admin page)
ownCloud 10.15.0 (stable)
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install:
fresh install via docker compose
Where did you install ownCloud from:


Signing status (ownCloud 9.0 and above):

No errors have been found.

The content of config/config.php:


List of activated apps:

do not know how to check in docker container

Are you using external storage, if yes which one: local /mnt/hdd…

Are you using encryption: no?

Are you using an external user-backend, if yes which one: no?

Client configuration

Google Chrome 127.0.6533.120 (64-Bit)
Operating system:
Windows 11


Web server error log

do not know how to collect in docker

ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)


note that I have manually restarted the server causing the apache restart message

Browser log

Network tab just shows a 504 Gateway Time-out after 90s of no answer.

Additional Information

Docker Port Forwarding

Since Port 8080 is already being used on the system I rerouted the Port to 444:8080 via docker.

Nginx Reverse Proxy

The Docker containers are running on a machine that is also hosting a wide variety of different services. Therefore a Nginx Reverse Proxy is running and distributing the traffic.
Following Setup has been done for owncloud:

Cloudflare DynDNS

Since where I come from my Internetprice would more than double just for a simple static IP Adress I am stuck with using DynDNS.
I solved this via using the Cloudflare API (where I also host my domain) to update my current IP-adress via script. This is done using a docker container with the oznu/cloudflare-ddns image.

The Script updates an A Entry for my domain.

All other subdomains are CNAME Entries including the owncloud subdomain.


from what i know ownCloud is only a web application and written in PHP. From what i know ownCloud is not responsible for such responses like “504 timeout” or similar which i think is originating from the used web server.

I think it could be possible that the ownCloud community can’t help with such web server topics (i think this can be seen due to the lack of responses from the community here) and i think that it could be possible that support channel for networking / web server or docker specific topics needs to be contacted.