/owncloud in owncloud

Hi i installed manually owncloud through webstation on my NAS synology 1219+ . Everything works fine. But i have one problem that in my cloud address i always have to use /owncloud e.g http://ip…/owncloud but i want to remove /owncloud in my address. i have domanin name and want to replace /owncloud with my company name . Is it possible to do it if yes how can i do it . Help will be highly appriciated thank you. my owncloud folder lies in volume1/web/owncloud directory

You need to configure your document root in the apache settings.

Here is an example:



Hallo thank for your reply… but how can do it i mean i access my owncloud which is installed in nas synology over ssh and do i need to unistall owncloud and install it again?? or can i just change something in some file in owncloud folder e.g config.php?? if yes which file is this ?? Thank you

You’ll have to change your apache (or whatever webserver you are using) configuration file, as dmitry already told you, see https://doc.owncloud.com/server/10.5/admin_manual/installation/changing_the_web_route.html


Hallo thank you guys i solved my problem with your help. i appreciate your help :slight_smile:

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