ownCloud Infinite Scale 3.0.0 - failed to verify access token

I have a docker container with OICS 3.0.0 (same problem with 2.0.0). The container is behind a caddy self signed certificate.
When I try to login with correct credential I see this error.
this is my configuration env file

this is the message error

It seems the hostname ocis.osaspace.it resolves to inside the container. So there seems to be an issue with the /etc/hosts or DNS. It needs to resolve to the IP address of your reverse proxy. So that ocis can reach the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint via the OCIS_URL.

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@nicoweb Did you solve the problem?

[SOLVED] Thank you so much. I added “ mydomain[dot]com” to /etc/hosts file at it worked.