Owncloud installed via Package - wrong directory

I installed OC by the package-manager (yum) and renamed the directory. I didn’t payed attention to the update process, which doen’t got notice of this, so now I have my running instance in one directory and the other one (updated from 9.1.0 to 9.1.1) in another one. Which is the best solution for this?

Thanks for your help allready!


you can’t move the directory when installing via packages. If you want to stay with the packages you need to use the directory the package is providing you.

Okay, and for transfering it, I have to make a backup and use it for the one provided by the packages? Or is it enough to change the config dir and to edit the vHost?


moving the data directory after the installation is currently not possible so the best would be to purge both versions and setup a fresh installation of 9.1.1 without moving the package directory after the installation.

Okay, for everyone finding this, here how I did it:

  1. Enabling maintenance-mode
  2. Performing a complete backup (config and data dir + database) (just to have something if it will fail)
  3. Moving config directory to the package source
  4. Moving data-directory was not necessary, because it is located in an other location.
  5. Editing SE-Linux contexts that it will work
  6. Disable maintenance-mode
  7. Performing auto-update (via Web-Console) because of newer version provided by packages.