Hi everyone,
a few days ago we have released 3.8.0 version of the iOS app to the Apple Store.
Let’s have an overview over the main features released:
New look of the public link view
We have updated the public link creation and edition view to fit the web UI dashboard. When you want to share publicly a folder, you will have in the iOS app available the same options to restrict/grant different actions to be performed over the shared content
Fixed problem in Share Sheet
Problem related with sharing content from 3rd party app was fixed in the 3.8.0 version. The possibility of sharing content only to the root folder is right now history, so you can browse from the Share Sheet to send your pics, documents or videos to the target location you decide.
Fixed problem to display files in full screen
The problem was affecting iPads to open MS Office documents, due to a problem in the WKWebView feature developed in the previous version to improve security.
You can check here the version Changelog.md
If you want to send us your feedback, have a look to our available channels:
– Open a new issue on Github: https://github.com/owncloud/ios/issues/
– Open a new topic on central: https://central.owncloud.org/
– Write an email to apps@owncloud.com
Enjoy it!!