Owncloud Market Place not loading issue

I have newly installed latest version of owncloud on rocky linux 9. But i get an error where i need ldap plugin.
[No marketplace connection: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to marketplace.owncloud.com/api/v1/categories.json

It seems ownCloud cannot access to the outside, in particular to the marketplace.
The location exists and works (at least at the time of writing this), so maybe you don’t have connection to the outside or your firewall (if any) is preventing the access.

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If your server does not have Internet access, you can download this application from another computer that has Internet access after transferring it to your server. this can be done over a local network or using a USB flash drive.

Yes brother i checked from our firewall administrators. They said there are no an urls blocking to this url.
I searched from my browser it is able to access. I tried using my Private PC where no any firewall access is given same issue occurred for me.

But obviously, your ownCloud Server isn’t able to access it by curl. I’d check the logs first.


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