Owncloud not working after fresh install on UCS

Server configuration

Operating system: UCS 5.0

Web server: Apache2

ownCloud version: 10.13.4

Hi everyone, I freshly installed latest UCS server with iso on my server, went ahead and installed owncloud.
Installation went fine, but i cant join it, as its always: ERR 503 Service Unavailable
I went ahead and looked at docker logs, because i couldnt find anything why it shouldnt work and found that the main owncloud container is stuck at restarting and in the logs it says:

/etc/entrypoint.d/05-univention-env.sh: line 33: export 'ldap_server_sasl_oauthbearer_trusted-authorized-party_ucsserver.masdvory.intranet=https://ucsserver.masdvory.intranet/univention/oids/': not a valid identifier

I cant find any help on how to continue further. Any help appreciated.
Thank you


i think the error in the log files seems to me that it is related to the UCS server itself and not to ownCloud. If this is the case then i think you could receive better support by the Univention people at:

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