Owncloud on QNAP TS-851

Hi all,

Yesterday I installed the owncloud app on my QNAP TS-851, because I need a platform where external people should be able to do following:
- copy files to a shared owncloud folder, which is sent to them by Link
- it has to be IMMPOSSIBLE to them to download any files from this shared folder (just upload)
- as soon as the file(s) are copied to the shared folder an email should be generated informing us that a new document is uploaded to us.

Any idea how to realize this with owncloud are very welcome !



Install OC 10.0.7, create a share with "Upload only" mode and share the link.

If the activity app is enabled you'll likely get a digest by email regarding any file changes in the system, including the ones uploaded in the share folder. So while it's not an email specific to the share, it should still contain the information you need. The email is sent not immediately but later on, I believe it depends on the cron.php run frequency.

Hi Vince

Is OC 10.0.7 available as QNAP App also?



I don't know. The ownCloud project itself doesn't officially provide apps for NAS.
The apps are likely created by third parties so you might need to ask there.

Many thx for your quick help and response!

