OwnCloud on Samsung KNOX tablets

is there any manual of recommended settings for using ownCloud android app on samsung tablets using samsung knox and kioskmode?

I don`t seem to get it to work.

Hi @alex-elbertse! Thanks for posting here!

Kiosk mode is similar to the work profile but in terms of Samsung KNOX (the MDM), isn’t it? Are you a user or an administrator for the KNOX system?

We have a specific flavour and some parameterized configurations for the use of ownCloud for Android in MDM systems. We don’t have documentation for this but, if you have any specific question, don’t hesitate to ask it here and we’ll try to reply :smiley:.

Greetings! :beers:

Yes I’m the administrator.

Can you share the information on how to achieve this?

Hi @alex-elbertse!

First of all, we cannot guarantee this is going to work with KNOX, since it doesn’t belong to the AppConfig convention, that is what we developed MDM properties for.

But in any case, you can always try. The only thing you have to do is generating an APK in the mdmRelease flavour with Android Studio and distribute it with your admin MDM console, so that you can manage the app through the several configurations available in the managed_configurations.xml file. Then, you can try if it works via KNOX.

I hope this was useful for you :+1:.

Ok, can I download the apk file our source files off the latest version using the community server edition?

Sorry was to fast, found it already on GitHub. Will give it a go thnx

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