ownCloud PHP upgrade incompatibility

I foolishly did an apt update && apt upgrade the other day, didn’t think much of it till I went to use owncloud and had the same issue. I’ve used sury.org to upgrade to php 7.3, but now I get this error in my apache log:

[Sun Jun 14 12:17:42.116924 2020] [:error] [pid 31631] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of OC::crashLog() must be an instance of void, none returned in /var/www/owncloud/lib/base.php:1056\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/owncloud/status.php(58): OC::crashLog(NULL)\n#1 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/owncloud/lib/base.php on line 1056

According to the changelog file, owncloud is now version 10.4.1.
php is 7.4.7

Any clue as to there I should start looking? The site only loads to an error page with the below content.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times and include the technical details below in your report.

More details can be found in the server log.

The owncloud.log is empty, and php doesn’t log anything either.


if i’m understanding the following documentation correctly ownCloud 10.4.1 is currently only compatible with PHP 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3:


You’re right, and I posted the wrong version output, I’ve tried a few.
The correct version is 7.3.19-1+0~20200612.60+debian9~1.gbp6c8fe1.
When I tried 7.4, it just refused to load the page and told me 7.4 wasn’t supported.


i think this is a different issue then the one of the thread creator is facing and should be discussed in a new thread. Maybe a moderator can split this postings into a new topic?

Personally i would try to search for the error message at https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues or even create a new issue for the ownCloud developers because it seems to me that ownCloud should provide more info on this issue but somehow crashes without providing this info.

Got help on github, I was missing various modules in the new php version.
I feel like an idiot :wink:

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i don’t think that you need to feel like an idiot. It seems to me that the posted message doesn’t contain this information or am i wrong?

It looks to me that ownCloud should handle this more graceful by mention which modules are missing?

You’re right, it’s not there. When I went to create the issue on github, one of the things they asked me to do, was run the below command in the root of the owncloud folder.

sudo -u www-data php occ config:list system

The output from that included

An unhandled exception has been thrown: Error: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_file()

This indicated to the guy who commented that the xml module was missing.

When I got that installed, the site started up and could now tell me the rest of the modules that were missing.

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ah i have seen the issue https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/37524 now. Maybe you can still re-open this because i think ownCloud should still log the same message instead of a meaningless error like:

[Sun Jun 14 12:17:42.116924 2020] [:error] [pid 31631] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of OC::crashLog() must be an instance of void, none returned in /var/www/owncloud/lib/base.php:1056\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/owncloud/status.php(58): OC::crashLog(NULL)\n#1 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/owncloud/lib/base.php on line 1056

I agree that it definitely should, but that’s more of a feature request than a bug though, isn’t it?


i’m not sure how the ownCloud team is handling this :frowning_face: