Owncloud, PiHole, Mosquitto(MQTT) and ioBroker over Docker on a MacMini

Dear Community,

I have Owncloud running for about 4years now and always when I had a problem you could help me out.
At the moment, Owcloud is running on my Mac over the OSXServer application, but with the upgrade on Mojave, this will not work anymore.
Therefore I will do the docker version of Owncloud.
I have discovered some problems with my plan, running Owncloud and maybe PiHole and ioBroker on the same MacMini over Docker (not the ioBroker), because of the port interference.

My question now would be how could I arrange the ports or is there an elegant workaround to run these services on one machine.

I will post this topic on other forums as well an will link them so each other.
Thank you very much for you help.

Best regards,


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