please welcome three fresh members to the ownCloud community. Semih Serhat Karakaya (@karakayasemi), Hemant Mann (@Hemant-Mann) and Noveen Sachdeva (@noveens) successfully applied with their proposals for this year's Google Summer of Code. ownCloud is part of this global program focused on introducing students to open source software development.
We are very proud to see the chosen projects coming to life soon.
Semih Serhat Karakaya will develop a state of the art security app expanding ownClouds ability to keep your privacy with additional hardenings. The app aims to include Multifactor Authentification (done right ), Brute Force Protection and several other methods to defend your ownCloud instance. Semih will be mentored by our Senior Security Analyst Peter Prochaska.
Hemant Mann will ensure that DropBox will still be part of files_external by using the new v2 API. As DropBox deprecates the v1 API by end of june this keep your existing connection to external storage provided by DropBox. Hemant will be mentored by Dr. Jörn Friedrich Dreyer.
Noveen Sachdeva ambitious project is called »ownCloud as a backend for web apps«, which means to make support for cross-origin API access in ownCloud using OAuth2 verification AND write a JavaScript API Client library making it easy for the developers to communicate with existent ownCloud APIs. Noveen will be mentored by Senior Software Developer Vincent Petry.
Looking back on the application process we are proud to be chosen as one of 201 OpenSource Projects to be part of Google Summer of Code. The second appreciation we recieved was the submittance of almost 30 proposals and the assignment of 5 project slots by GSoC. The ownCloud mentor team, consisting of 10 people, which all will gladly contribute in the upcoming process, had a hard choice to identify the now confirmed projects.
Within the next weeks we will onboard our new contributors. Please join us in supporting them and welcome them as cordially as we do.