ownCloud Server 10.2.1 Released

We have delivered a patch release for ownCloud Server to ship many small fixes:



  • Handling of “password fields” on public link shares - #35541 #35563
  • Error when user was removed from a group - #35289 #35570
  • Incorrect avatar storage location - #35311 #35531
  • Incorrect rendering of password changed notification email - #35255 #35491
  • Performance issue with sharing on masterkey encryption - #35492
  • Permission change handling for share receivers on internal shares - #35510 #35633
  • Permission handling of public link shares based upon internal shares #35600
  • Automatically set expiration date on newly created shares #35550 #35593
  • Incorrectly sent password reset tokens #32889 #35607
  • Issue with loading javascript files from additional app folders #35640 #35709


How to upgrade:

You can download the tarball here: https://owncloud.org/download/#owncloud-server-tar-ball

Docker, packages, and appliance will follow later.

Always follow the best upgrade practices.

Upgrade now!



good work ! It’s really cool about the performance with sharing on masterkey encryption, I’ll test it ASAP, it was one huge pain when sharing a lot of files.

I do have one question, here’s a quote of the release notes:

With master key encryption, share keys are redundant as you have one central key that can be used to decrypt all files. Version 10.2.1 corrects this behavior by dropping share keys for master key encryption, thereby increasing the performance dramatically, especially when sharing folders with many files as said keys do not have to be generated anymore for each file.

For current ownCloud running 10.2.0 with masterkey encryption, will it erase the previously generated shared keys when upgrading to 10.2.1 ? It seems occ ugprade is not required, so I’d suppose no. So, if not, one should drop the current shares and share again to avoid further performance issues ?

Thanks !

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For anyone that might care, I’ve made some benchmarks about the speed of shares. My usecase is a 70MB folder with ~530 files (mostly pictures) shared with one user.

  • with ownCloud 10.2.0 the share takes around ~240s

  • with ownCloud 10.2.1 (after an upgrade from first install 10.2.0) the share takes ~1s

  • with ownCloud 10.2.1 the share also takes ~1s

I did only one test for each case, so it’s not very accurate, but the difference is huge anyway. Good job to the dev team !

I’m still a bit curious about the fact that no share keys are required now. When I go through the [user]/files_encryption folder of an ownCloud 10.2.1 I still find two keys for every file, fileKey and master_xxxxxxdb.shareKey. They’re all the same for each files, it was the same behavior in ownCloud 10.2.0 so I’m a bit puzzled. Has anyone some clarification ?