We’re aiming at having the final release by the beginning of October after confirming that there are no critical issues to fix.
Please note that since 10.2.0 we’ve switched to using a release branch( release-10.3.0 ).
This means that any changes for 10.3.0 must be based on this branch and should also target the release branch.
If you are upgrading manually, please make sure to properly remove the old source code as mentioned in the update instructions
The changelog is available at https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/release-10.3.0/CHANGELOG.md
Please help testing and report issues in the core repository 1 for platform issues or any of the app repositories 1 if the bug is in an app.
If this version works for you, you can post a comment too to say so!
Code freeze
The code on the branch release-10.3.0 is frozen. We’ll only accept Pull Requests for critical issues.