yesterday I upgraded owncloud from 9.06 to 9.08 on a mac.
after 6 hours owncloud was still not connected.
but no problems on the mac
so, I reboot the mac. nothing changed.
today a restored all the mac to the backup before the upgrade.
everything ok on mac, owncloud still not connected.
Is there a way to reboot owncloud?
Is it better is I install a brand new version of owncloud?
You should explain your issue with a few more details. Currently its not clear what issue you're facing and that "owncloud still not conncted" means. Please take your time and explain your issue in detail.
disconnected means that I can't access the server either via web or via app (mobile or desktop).
the desktop app say something (I translate it): "no connection with owncloud" "connection refused"
the url of the owncloud server cannot be reached
Then you most likely have an issue with your webserver itself and not with ownCloud. Check if your webserver is running and reachable with tools like ping, nmap and traceroute before looking into issues within oC.
you are right. thank you very much for your help. I fixed the issue.
Now, may I ask you one more question?
Which is the best way to update from 9.0.6 to 9.1.4 on a mac?
(please consider that I'm not a smart linux user)
If I install 9.1.4 the program will automatically restore the configuration from the 9.0.6?
Generally please always use/create a new thread for each different question.
But a short hint to that one: Please note that ownCloud is unsupported and untested on Mac OS X so there is absolutely no guarantee that newer versions are running on that system.
Before thinking about an upgrade you probably need to think about moving to a linux based operating system (ubuntu, debian, centos).
Generally please always use/create a new thread for each different question.
sorry, I'll do the next time
But a short hint to that one: Please note that ownCloud is unsupported and untested on Mac OS X so there is absolutely no guarantee that newer versions are running on that system.
Before thinking about an upgrade you probably need to think about moving to a linux based operating system (ubuntu, debian, centos).
I'm not expert on such operating systems, thus I hope that mac stil- works...