Owncloud version in repos - not the latest?

Running owncloud v10.4.0 on Debian 9 ( Debian_9.0 owncloud-files-10.4.0-1+1.1), is this the same as owncloud v10.4.1, if not when will 10.4.1 be available in the repos and is there a reason why its not up to date almost a month after the release ?


i have noticed something similar after getting an announcement mail of my ownCloud installation yesterday that 10.4.1 was released.

If i’m checking https://owncloud.org/download/#owncloud-server-tar-ball it seems to me that ownCloud 10.4.1 isn’t “fully” or “officially” released by the ownCloud people. A release announcement similar to 10.4.0 seems to be missing on https://owncloud.org/news/ as well.

When checking https://github.com/owncloud/core/releases/tag/v10.4.1 i can notice something similar, 10.4.1 was “tagged” there only 8 days ago (not almost a month ago).

On the other hand it seems https://owncloud.org/changelog/server/ lists 10.4.1 as released on 2020-03-30 which doesn’t match the observations from the github release page above.

I think something is really “messed” up here, maybe some one of ownCloud can clarify the situation?

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In general repositories are updated way later than the tar is released. So you cannot expect the newest ownCloud Version in your repo, even when it is available in general.

However, the web updater delivers 10.4.1 since a few days, the tarball is available at https://download.owncloud.org/community/ (with date 2020-04-15) but still there is no change on the https://owncloud.org/download page.

From my experience there are those steps:

  • The new release is QA-done and released
  • The new release is uploaded to download.ownloud.org (I guess this is, when the web updater can find a new release)
  • Some days later it usually is available on owncloud.org
  • Even some days later it is available in the repos

@hana Do you know more about the exact release procedure?