ownCloud Web Authorization Prompts

I upgraded ownCloud community edition to 10.8.0 on our CentOS 7.9 server. We use LDAP authentication against AD. I’d like to use the new web interface and I used the instructions at Deploy as an app in ownCloud 10 | ownCloud to get it setup. I’ve encountered a problem where every time a user uses the new web interface it prompts for authorization with the message ‘the “ownCloud Web” application would like permissions to access your account’. If I set the web interface as the default interface, then this occurs every time you log on and off. The Web interface works great once authorized, and I’d like to set it as the default interface, but first I need to remove the authorization prompts.

Per the instructions, I added a line in config/config.php and added the file config/config.json, but I’m guessing I have something incorrect in config.json. Each time you click on the authorize button to use Web the following 4 events are logged. The events are long, and I’m only displaying the message section.

There are code paths that trigger the generation of an auth token for the same session twice. We log this to trace the code paths. Please send all log lines belonging to this request id.

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO oc_authtoken(uid,login_name,name,token,type,last_activity,last_check)

Caused by: {“Exception”:“Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDO\\Exception”,“Message”:"SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘f9ebf03e29571a8ecc85285469b3fc81dfc5bfd0f5c6c12ffab8c06e84645…’ for key ‘authtoken_token_index’\

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ‘f9ebf03e29571a8ecc85285469b3fc81dfc5bfd0f5c6c12ffab8c06e84645…’ for key ‘authtoken_token_index’\

Same here on on debian with standard-authentication.

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