Permissions for Owncloud directories? Contradictory info!

I followed instructions for installation that said to create all directories with 777 permissions. That seemed a bit odd, but what the hell, I was just giving it a try.

Everything installed, I managed to get photos uploaded from my iphone (which was one of the main things I wanted to do). So far so good. Time to change permissions to something more sensible.

The instructions here: provide a script, but the script assumes the user is www-data. On my system it's listed as "daemon(1)/1". (I have no idea what the (1)/1 is about.)

Somehow I doubt I should just substitute daemon for www-data in that script. Or should I?

I'd actually feel happier doing a recursive manual chmod on the relevant directories. Starting at the root dir (public_html in my case) something like:
find . -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \; for files and
find . -type d -exec chmod750 {} \; for directories
Or would there be a problem with that?


Erm? Anybody? I'd really appreciate some ideas on good practice here.

The easy way to set the correct permissions is to copy and run this script. Replace the ocpath variable with the path to your ownCloud directory. Replace the ocdata variable with the path to your ownCloud data directory. Replace the htuser and htgroup variables with your HTTP user and group:

That's just above the script you're refering to. If you don't trust the script for whatever reason, you can go step by step executing whatever you think it makes sense for your system.

I'd recommend to understand what the script is doing for you and decide what to do afterwards.

Yes, I saw that. (I did read the whole thing....) But:

*** I don't know what to substitute for my case for "htgroup". "daemon(1)1" doesn't sound right, but that's what comes up as the group. The parentheses alone will be a problem! ***

Thanks for taking the time to help!

If that's how it's set up in your system... you might want to use a more common distribution.

Anyway, if the parenthesis are a problem, manually go through the script step by step and check that each step is properly executed.