Problem with error 504 Gateway time out

While configuring the database when installing owncloud via the web installer, I encountered the problem of configuring the database. After entering the data directory and selecting mysql and entering the root user, password, database name and pressing the terminate, the process takes a long time and discards the message 504 Gateway time out. On the web I found a solution to the problem at
It is written to "Increase buffer and timeouts inside http block:"
I do not know where it should be increased. If possible, please help.

Hi again,

did you set up a database and user first and then went in to the web installer?

ownCloud needs a database and a database user with the right privilege to access it.

I would try to enter the credentials you used in the web installer to connect to the database.

I create the user and database using the owncloud installer

Displays the following error

I did the following search"Mysql+server+has+gone+away" and found quite a lot references like the following which are teaching you how to configure your MySQL server correctly to work around this message:

I added lines in the my.cnf file according to the directions, but unfortunately the same.

I guess this might be a support topic for one of the MariaDB community mailinglists listed here:

It could be also possible that you havn't restarted your database or have chosen the wrong config file / config file part.

Thank you all for help but the guess is probably the side of creating mysql. I will put everything back. First openmediavault, MarinaDB, owncloud. Thank you again.