Public Links missing info

<!--When using the Public Links, Under the "Send link via email" a check box usually appears "Send Copy to self", it does not appear for users, it only appears to admin users. Any ideas what could be the issue, thanks.

That users didn’t configure their Email?

BTW, I can’t find a “Send link via email” option on my system.

Yes all my user have emails, i setup LDAP in my owncloud.

I see. Then I assume it’s by default, no issue.

Type an email in the address field, then the option appears.


Out of curiosity: Which app or module?

No app, just the simple web access

Remember me?

This is undoubtedly the case. If a user hasn’t set his email, that checkbox “Send Copy to self” isn’t shown.

I’m talking about the email field at user Settings->General. Not about LDAP.

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