Raspberry Pi stretch operating system

I have the ownCloud appliance on my desktop as my server. I have client software on my laptop and android phone. I want to install ownCloud client software on my Raspberry Pi device. It has the Stretch operating system.

My question is : What client software download will work with the Raspberry Pi using the Stretch operating system?

From what i know the ownCloud repositories are only containing the i386 and amd64 binaries and no arm ones which would be required for the Raspberry Pi. So you’re probably stuck with the ownCloud client version provided by your used linux distrubution.

Thank You. I think I will make a separate sd card for the pi with an android OS, and try to download the ownCloud client for Android. Then I can use it on the road. If you have any thoughts or advise, please feel free to share it with me/us.