Recover OC 10.0.2 from loss of data directory

Hello everybody,
I lost my OC data directory (/mnt/owncloud/data) because of a disk failure, now I formatted a new disk
but I don’t know how to re-create the database with the same original user settings.
Data should not be an issue, because they are still duplicated in the PC client folder.
OC version = 10.0.2.

Any hint on how to proceed ? Thanks and bye,

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Are you trying to recover all user settings, share etc. or you have user files and trying to update db according to these files?

I would simply like to have a working system again, with the same user/pwd settings if possible, but it is not a big issue. Data can be recovered from the PC client and resync them.



when recovering your installation keep in mind that every connected client (if started) will see that the remote servers files have vanished and might start to delete its local files. I think a good backup of the local files before connecting any clients might be required, afterwards the maintenance:data-fingerprint command described here could help:

Hi Tom, thanks for the warning, I am aleady aware about the risk of loosing also the data on the client side, for this I will move my files in another path and then put them back in the Owncloud dir to let the client an server resync.
What I didn’t understand is how to make my OC server work fine again, I installed and setup a new disk, mounted in the right place (/var/html/owncloud/data), but it is obviusly empty, I have no backup at all.
When I try to login I get this screen:

Bye, S.


it looks like the ownCloud database file is missing and ownCloud thinks (because of this) that it is still installed.

As you’re planning to re-import your data to ownCloud from the backed up data of the sync client then i could make the most sense to setup a fresh 10.0.10 installation and use MySQL instead of SQLite for better performance.

Ok, thanks, I think I’ll proceed in this way.
Shall I explicitly prior uninstall the 10.0.2 version, or simply follow the install procedure of 10.0.10 and the old one will be overwritten ?
Bye, S.