Recreate public share link with same URL

Hi ownclouders

Does anyone know if it is possible to recreate a public share of a folder with the same dynamically generated URL that was assigned to the share.

Why am I asking this? A user is having an article published in a prestigious print and online journal and included a link to his data in the form of a owncloud dynamically created public URL but he absentmindedly unshared the folder. When one recreates the share, it is a new URL.

Failing this, I am thinking some sort of apache redirect to the new URL but I am hesitant to go messing in ownclouds apache config.

Thanks and kind regards


have a look into the table oc_share. This contains a column token where you can change the new token to the old one. Then the share should be accessible at the old location.

Thanks! I gave it a try and it did not work. I noticed the same token exists in the same table from the earlier share. But the user ALSO renamed the folder. I've asked him to change the folder back and then will try and restore the share.

Update. Once the directory name was corrected, I was able to update the DB entry and the link is work again. Thank you!