Regarding owncloud desktop application


I have installed the ownlcloud version 10.0 and I created user through owncloud interface and then I installed the owncloud desktop application on my windows7 machine. Now I want the files which are over the owncloud while accessing the files through owncloud sync on desktop the user can not delete the files through owncloud desktop application.

Could you please assist me on this?


How did you install oC?

Where are the files? local storage or external storage?

Are you getting any errors?


How did you install oC?

I have installed OC through owncloud repository.

Where are the files? local storage or external storage?

I created an user “test” over owncloud and this user is having few fles and folder. Which I’m currently accessing through owncloud desktop sync application on my local machine . But I want the local user should not be able to delete the files and folder while accessing the share through owncloud desktop sync application on his local machine.

Kindly assist if this option does exist over owncloud.


you haven’t answered my question. Do you have an external storage connected to ownCloud?

That is external storage.