Release 23.06.2017

It took us a while, but hey - we got some big changes:

OC Enterprise Apps available

Starting now, all ownCloud enterprise apps are available on the ownCloud marketplace. We separated the ownCloud enterprise features from the core to allow modular, parallel and therefore faster development in OC core and extensions.

Trial request on enterprise apps

If you are interested in the ownCloud enterprise edition, it is now easy as ABC to start a trial. Generate yourself a demo license key in your marketplace account and start testing.

Updated save process of user data

We standardized all data save dialogs for a better user experience

Updated upload process

When uploading an app you will be redirected to an app detail page in your account. On this page you will see some checks which information our system extracted from your apps info.xml. As long as a release is set to the initial state "planned", you can overwrite this release by re-uploading, e.g. if you want to update your description or images.
If everything is correct, you can set your app to "published" to show it to other marketplace users.

Market app

We improved the market app integration. The market app supports now bundles and lets users easily install apps contained in a bundle.

Bug fixes

We fixed around 30 bugs, also bugs reported on the official marketplace bug tracker

If you encounter any problems please feel free to contact us.
All the best

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I have installed ownCloud 10.0.2 (stable) and found out that external storage is only available in the enterprise section? Or am I missing something? Will future OC upgrades eventually come with more and more enterprise apps and less free apps?

Generally speaking external storage is free to use - like ftp, webdav, S3, Swift and many more.
You will find some selected external storage implementation as part of the enterprise offering - like OneDrive, SharePoint.
We believe that these integrations are of interest for business only/mainly and are kept in the Enterprise Edition because of that.

What external storage integration are you looking for?

For sure not - we try to keep the balance. With ownCloud 10 we released free apps as well like custom groups, oauth and the guests app. But as explained above there are apps with major business relevance which we keep in the Enterprise Edition.

I hope this answers your questions. Take care

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