Released: ownCloud Infinite Scale 1.15.0 Technology Preview!

Version 1.15.0 brings improvements for the app provider (external application integrations) and more progress on the ‘Spaces’ feature. Public links now support multi-file and folder downloads as well as all other external application integrations. ownCloud Web 4.5.0 furthermore comes with improvements for use with the ownCloud Classic backend.

The most prominent changes in ownCloud Infinite Scale 1.15.0 and ownCloud Web 4.5.0 comprise:

  • Multi-file and folder downloads as well as other external application (Collabora Online, ONLYOFFICE, CodiMD, etc.) integrations now work in public links. web#5924
  • New files (created/uploaded and file versions) will now be highlighted in ownCloud Web. web#6020
  • When using ownCloud Web with the ownCloud Classic backend, Web will now automatically display app entries in the app switcher based on the entries in the app switcher of the Classic UI (e.g., Activity, Market) so that users can easily find and use the apps. web#5996
  • The width of the right sidebar in the Files app of ownCloud Web has been reduced to make it better usable on medium-sized screens. web#5983
  • ownCloud Web has received performance and other improvements for external application integrations. web#5952
  • Spaces: A new API endpoint has been introduced that allows listing all Spaces in an installation. ocis#2692
  • Spaces: A permission has been added to control which users can list all Spaces. cs3org/reva#2207
  • The app provider (for external application integrations) has received improvements for announcing and prioritizing applications as well as for error handling. cs3org/reva#2230 cs3org/reva#2263 cs3org/reva#2258
  • The configuration defaults have been revisited and improved towards better security. ocis#2700
  • IPv6 support for Infinite Scale has been added. ocis#2698
  • A capability for the ‘Resharing’ feature will now be correctly announced. ocis#2690
  • Restoring a file version now works properly. cs3org/reva#2270

You can also read the full ownCloud Infinite Scale changelog and ownCloud Web changelog for further details on what has changed.