Remove alert Integrity check when change theme

I clone example-themes folder and I changed icon and text into default.
I always see the "...Integrity check...", how do I resolve this?

It would be helpful to see the file list that fail the integrity check

yes, I seen, I give you more detail:
I clone "example-theme" folder and I changed icon and text into default.php.
they are the files that I changed:

- appinfo/info.xml
- core/css/styles.css
- core/img/favicon-touch.png
- core/img/favicon-touch.svg
- core/img/favicon.ico
- core/img/favicon.png
- core/img/favicon.svg
- core/img/logo-icon.png
- core/img/logo-icon.svg
- core/img/logo-mail.gif
- defaults.php


remove the appinfo/signature.json from your theme

yes, it work fine, thanks