Removing index.php from share links

I was trying to following the instructions here:

However, the occ command does not seem to recognise the task.

oc version: 9.0.2 (stable)

Just realised I posted this in the wrong section too.

Please use a recent version of ownCloud before posting any issues. This is currently 9.0.4 (recommended) or 9.1.0 (new and has a few bugs).

In your special case the command is only available in oC 9.0.3.

ok, I upgraded to 9.0.4 and ran the update command.

Share links are still being generated with index.php in them.

I do have mod_env and mod_rewrite installed.


if your oC is now reachable via (without the index.php) but Shared Links still have the index.php then please create a new bugreport at:

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