I move customer information inside owncloud server @ Lousiana, I had a lot of problems with it, and need to move all data.
I try 2 weeks, 8 hours per day, weekend included.
I’m not a geek or nerd, I am normal person with Business Bachelor
I almost gone, some problems with data allocation. but I have been learning a lot.
SCP does not function, on connectivity problems became a broken pipe. and when run again scp, it begin from cero again
Use rsync, if there is a lot of data, dont compress files, use windows powershell or linux native, to be able to send many threads as supported by NIC (usually it’s Gb but now exist plus 6Gb)
I had to use a third server, because source had a lot of problems and it’s almost die I use another server newly formatted with same OS (linux of course) and send the huge data there and then to Canada
The process was from Sunday to thursday now I am working on LAMP configuration and owncloud data and database connection.
if somebody need my work, I can share my working sheets and explain how I am solving issues