Server owncloud problem - Security certificate after an update of the W10 client application

Good morning to all,
I am calling you because I have a problem with my Server. It is a Debian

When I launch my application" owncloud version 2.5.4(build 11415) desktop from my Windows 10 an error message appears:

the server version is Unsupported! Proceed at your own risk.

Do you know which version I should put? Can you tell me how? Thank you very much


as the message is showing your server version is unsupported by ownCloud. I think it is highly recommended to update to the latest available version 10.1.1 and the message should disappear.

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C’est ce que je souhaite faire mais je suis en stage et je ne souhaite pas faire de connerie.
C’est pourquoi je demandais la procédure a suivre. Merci de votre réponse