I have been installing OwnCloud 9.1 and have had trouble implementing a 15 minute session time-out which is required by our security officer.
In my config.php I had 'session_lifetime' = > 900,
'session_keepalive = > false,
First I noticed that the Notifications is sending messages everything few seconds, so I disabled that app. Then I saw an Ajax message to "getstoragestats.php" repeated every 5 minutes. I have only been able to stop this by patching files.js. Doing so finally let the session_lifetime take effect.
The 'getstoragestats' call doesn't seem to be crucial to the workings of OwnCloud. Is there a way to stop this call by a parameter?
Otherwise I think the time of repetition should be longer than the session_lifetime parameter. Is there any way to influence that timing?