Sharing sync folder between two (dual boot) OS

I just want to ask, if it is possible to share the content of sync folder between Windows 10 and Linux, which are both on the same PC (dual boot). The sync folder is located in win-partition.
I suppose that sharing the content is not a problem, but how it is with synchronisation? Will be the windows desktop client and linux desktop client cooperate?
I read some discuss forums where they said there are some troubles with that.
Thanks for reply

I don't think it is officially supported, but from what I know technically about it, it should work. The sync related information should all be in the hidden DB file in the sync directory.
(However if the Linux machine uses a too old sqlite3 library maybe there could be issues.. the Windows client ships with sqlite3)

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I know its a long time ago, but did you ever get it to work? Iā€™m kind of in a similar situation now with Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.