Sharing with another owncloud user from desktop client


Is there a way to share a file/folder to another owncloud user directly from the desktop client ?
I know it's possible from the web UI, but from any desktop app (tested windows and macOS), i only have the public link sharing available.

Is it totally impossible ? Have I missed something ?

Thanks for some insight on the subject,

When you right-click you have an option "share with ownCloud" there you can create both a public link as well as share with any user or group in your ownCloud!

Hey @plesyx, as @hodyroff points out, there's two main sections on the "Share with ownCloud" dialog: the one you mentioned on your first comment and one for users. Check this out for an explanation on how to share with users/groups inside or outside (federated shares) your ownCloud:

Note that, for the federated share you just need to use the qualified name of the user: <username>@<server_URL> in the searchbox.

Thanks for your answers !

The sharing window doesn't have the seach bar displayed on your screenshot...

Here's what it looks like on my machine :

My client version is 2.3.1, server is 8.1 (don't know the minor, can check is necessary)

You will need to upgrade the Server to a newer version. The sharing API was introduced at some later time. Recommend to go all the way to 9.1.x ...

Oh... When I first thought about it, I dismissed this explanation because the feature was available in the webUI.

Guess I was wrong ! Thanks a lot for the answer.
We planned to upgrade in the near future anyway, that'll be an additional reason to!

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