Short cookie validity?


Ever since I updated my OC to v. 9.1, every user has had to login every time they close a browser. Now, I do have a 2FA (Google Authenticator) enabled, but only for the admin user. The behaviour in question affects everyone - but only in the browser, obviously - using an an app (say OC News reader on Android) is fine.

None of the browsers is set to clear cookies on exit, no other websites which preserve logins are affected. Tried under Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a browser (i.e. Google Chrome)
  2. Login to OC
  3. Do stuff
  4. Close browser
  5. Re-open browser and OC page

Expected behaviour
The requested page loads straight away

Expected behaviour
Login prompt appears.

Server configuration
Operating system: Ubuntu 14.04
Web server:Apache2
Database: MySQL
PHP version:
ownCloud version (see ownCloud admin page): 9.1
Updated from an older ownCloud or fresh install: 9.0.1
ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log, see How to find webserver or OC logfile / enable php logfile):

Special configuration (external storage, external authentication, reverse proxy, server-side-encryption): 2FA, but only for the admin user

Integrity status for oC9+

No errors have been found.


there have been some reports in IRC and at the bugtracker about this:


I can see that the issue has been closed. Does this mean no one will have a look at the reason behind this problem? Anything I could do to help with additional information?


I had requested to re-open that issue but it seem no one has done this yet. So just create a new issue at:

and make sure to use the shown issue template there to avoid that the issue will be closed again.

Thanks, I’ve opened an issue here: "Stay logged in" checkbox doesn't work · Issue #26027 · owncloud/core · GitHub

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