[solved] Ubuntu - nemo integration does not work

With nautilus file manager, I can click with RMB and use the "share with owncloud" menu entry. -

I've got installed
"owncloud-client-nemo" and "python-nemo",
but do not get offered this menu entry.

According to this https://github.com/owncloud/client/issues/1444
thread, it should work.

What am I doing wrong?


Client configuration

Client version: OC 2.3.2

Operating system:
ubuntu Linux 16.10

Qt version used by client package (Linux only, see also Settings dialog):
Client package (From ownCloud or distro) (Linux only):

Could you try the 2.3.3rc2 package? https://central.owncloud.org/t/desktop-sync-client-2-3-3-rc2-release-candidate-released-linux-users-please-try/8967

Sorry for the delay - did the 17.04 upgrade first.
No good news - still works nicely with nautilus, but I could not install nemo-owncloud.
ppa is added:

deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/ownCloud:/community:/testing/xUbuntu_17.04/ /.

$ nemo --version
nemo 3.2.2

$ owncloud --version
ownCloud version 2.3.3rc2
Git revision 22e6c20fa521f360bec9971964e2476c04a4b35d
Using Qt 5.6.2, built against Qt 5.6.2
Using 'OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016'

$ sudo apt install  nemo-owncloud
Die folgenden Pakete haben unerfüllte Abhängigkeiten:
nemo-owncloud : Hängt ab von: owncloud-client (< 2.2.4+dfsg-2ubuntu2.1~) aber 2.3.3~rc2-8238 soll installiert werden
E: Probleme können nicht korrigiert werden, Sie haben zurückgehaltene defekte Pakete.

What can I do?


At least on my debian the package is called "owncloud-client-nemo" and not "nemo-owncloud". Seems you're currently mixing two different packages.

"owncloud-client-nemo" seems to be the proper name - not sure whether this has changed recently.
Now I'm fine - things are working.

Thank you very much for pointing me into the right direction!


From what i know this was always the name of that package within the official repository.