Some Suggestions, Some Questions And Some Thanking


This week was really tiring. I tried Seafile, Nextcloud, Pydio, Onlyoffice Workspace and more and more…

I stayed away from Owncloud because of r/selfhosted suggestion of staying away from it… God… In the end, I tried Owncloud and… couldn’t find the monster that I should evade…?

I opened a topic about it and they downvoted it:

Anyway, people can’t stay objective it seems.

I liked Owncloud. Thank you.

My first suggestion:

*** From 1 user** in pricing section was kinda the reason that I stayed away from owncloud. Maybe it is because English is not my native language but I though it is only 1 user for free. I think this needs a bit more clear exlanation.

My first question:
I can install owncloud with proper php enviroment on a virtualmin based server but… should I? or should I go for docker way? What is the recommended way for a new install? Especially Infinite Scale looks like aiming to be docker way, right?

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Maybe some other people can confirm, but what I understand is that for the enterprise and standard packages you have to pay for at least 25 users even if you end up having less users. You can’t pay for less users.
Now, the community version is free regardless of the number of users you have. Note that the “price” is 0 per user and per month

Depending on what you want.
For OC 10, docker already provides you all the dependencies as well as isolation. If you’re ok with whatever setup docker provides and you won’t want to change things, docker should be the way to go. If you prefer install ownCloud in the host, you’ll have to maintain all the components by yourself.
For oCIS, docker might be better due to the isolation. oCIS uses microservices, and each microservice uses at least one port (some of them might use multiples). While the 9200-9300 range shouldn’t be widely used, it could happen that any of those ports is being used by any other app, which will cause problems. Docker will isolate the network so there won’t be any conflicts with other apps, you’d just need to expose the port 9200 which you could map to any free port in the host. Something similar happens with the FS.

From my point of view, if you want to setup a server just for ownCloud, you can set it up in the host without docker, but if you plan to install in the server more things you should consider using docker to provide isolation.