Stream mode for Windows client (like Yandex Drive and Google Disk have)

According to Google:

What it means to mirror or stream your files:

Mirroring and streaming are two ways to sync your files. In both cases, any changes you make to your files on one device will be reflected everywhere.

With mirroring, your files are stored in the cloud and on your computer, which takes up hard drive space. You can access your files at any time, even when you don’t have an internet connection or the Drive for desktop app running. You can access files through a folder on your computer.

With streaming, your files are stored in the cloud. Hard drive space is only used when you open files or make them available offline. Files that are not available offline can only be accessed when you’re connected to the internet. All files, including those available offline, can be accessed only when the app is running. You can access files through a mounted drive on your computer.

Dear Friends,
Do we have such option as streaming (like Yandex Drive and Google Disk have)? Because Mirroring option
devour our expensive SSD space?

Thank you very much Sir!

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