I have a fresh installlation of ownCloud 10.0.3 on all-inkl.com webspace. There is an ics-file (iCal) in the documents folder (fresh upload several times a day).
Now I would like to have this calendar file subscribed in my ownCloud calender. When I try to add this subscription with a link: https://mydomain.tld/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/myname/uploaded_calendar.ics there is an error message "Der entfernte Server gibt uns keinen Zugriff auf den Kalender (HTTP {401} Fehler)" ["the remote server does not grant access to the calendar (HTTP {401} error)"].
Since the ics-file is on the same ownCloud there should be no authorization issue? So I do not understand the errror message. Could anyboy help me to get this ics-file lying among my oC documents subscribed as a calendar?
In the meantime I solved the problem: Indeed one needs to use the public link but with an added "/download" at the end of the link! That is not very intuitive ...
Independently how I subscribe, it takes about 2 hours to synchronize. If users delete the browser history ( localstorage), it synchronizes immediately. Is it possible to speed up the synchronization without user interference?
On oC 9.1.6 I need to add /download at end of public link.
Thank you for the amazing possibilities with oC, Murilo
For instance, open your calendar app with firefox: Inspect element > storage > local storage and then look for key&value.
Now, to reduce the time of synchronization of subscribed calendar(Owncloud 9.1.6 and calendar 1.5.4): Navigate from your webroot to
At line 5952/8973 you please change localStorage.setItem(webcalUrl, JSON.stringify({ value: response.data, timestamp: new Date().getTime() + 7200000 }));
That would be two hours in milliseconds. And please donĀ“t forget to minimize: